Thursday, June 16, 2011

Fruity Nutty Bread

Yet another day.. Oops, a wrong start.

Thanks God that I am still alive and able to help with the household chores, run errands for my house, cook delicious food for my loved ones, eat more good food, and the list goes on. XD Owh yes, I am gonna sweep all the bad thoughts to the very corner of my thoughts. Nah, don't even think of slipping out. I am gonna concentrate and create more good stuff so I can look forward to. Muahaha. Lets hope this last.

Waking up heavy-boned this morning, I thought yah, I will just read some newspaper, have an egg tart and some cake I made yesterday. But alas, by noon, after finishing my baked french toast, generously spread with cheese and chocolate chips, ugh, so much for the weight watch, I unconsciously started to flip through my recipe book (my book where I jot down recipes from others XD) again. Lol

The cheese oozed out, mixing with the egg and milk mixture. Tasted like pudding. Haha

Me and my baking craze. It's really an addiction. Despite half of the pumpkin soft cake still sitting in the fridge, NOTHING can stop me from baking. Hohoho. And this is my first attempt on making bread, without a bread maker. We used to have one, I am sure it is still lying somewhere in the storeroom. Just wait till I get my hands on it. *evil grin

And here I am, pretty smug of myself as the dough rise nicely. I added in a cupful of dried fruits and the remain almond strip yesterday.

Behold, my fruity nutty bread. The oven doesn't bake equally resulting in the uneven colour of the surface. Or is it my fault for forgetting to brush a layer of butter and egg yolk on top?

The texture is somewhere between bread and cake. This better be good!!

Now, shall I decide on what I should spice up for tomorrow? I am starting to miss some savoury treat.


♥ y0keh@w 毓皓 ♥ said...

omg u are so good in cooking n baking stuff! i envy your bf so much..hehe.... ^^
yeap miss you. dis is for certain. :)