Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Tomyam Pineapple Fried Rice . Soft Pumpkin Cake

Today is a beautiful day. 'This is the day that the Lord hath made. We shall rejoice and be glad in it.' Hehe. Nowadays I try to think positive and no way emo me is coming back. It is really a matter of how one thinks and takes things that happened around.

Woke at 7.30 in the morning and I failed to get back to my beauty sleep. One of the things which motivate me to wake early is - breakfast. Hehe. So you can be quite sure that breakfast today is gonna be decent. You are right! Egg tarts! Yay~

Adventist egg tarts. Among the best in Penang Island. I like to chill em before eating. Hee

My daily life is kinda a routine. It follow the flow. So I did the laundry, made some cleaning and off to run the errand. I went out empty handed but came back with lotsa 'ka can' (tools). Hehe. I shall show em to you.

As I was greatly motivated yesterday after successfully steaming a batch of cakes which actually rise. Not in lumps like my first few attempts. So while the fiery passion is still burning wild, I decided to go for it. Attempting baking instead. Therefore, the 'sampah' in my house increases.

Measuring tools, baking pan and baking paper. I like going to Tesco. Hehe. Cheap and near. No, I didn't get advertising fee from them

Baking powder, vanilla essence, chocolate chips, instant yeast, golden raisins and almond strip

Perhaps its due to all the free time, I like to try cooking my own meal. This includes all the stupid yet creative (*giggles) from me. This is my lunch. Emily style tomyam pineapple fried rice. XD I practically threw everything in, one of the reason I like to cook my own meal, and whipped out this dish. Hmm... Its actually not bad. The sweet pineapple complement the savoury tomyam.

And of course, you won't find any fried rice sold outside with this much ingredients. Haha. But I will cut down the amount of tomyam paste, else my kidney would sure to fail some years later.

Remember the pumpkin bun which kinda looked like poop I made some time ago. A whole big chunk of the pumpkin still remains in the fridge, threatening to rot. My mum kept pester me to do something with it. So what else, hehehe, perfect for my experiment. And tadaa~ Another successful product.

The pumpkin cake is really soft and fluffy. By the time I opened the oven to get it out, it smells so nice! I topped some almond strips as decoration as well as to enhance the taste. It doesn't taste pumpkiny at all. So for those who don't like/hate pumpkin, I dare you to try this. (*evil grin) Darling, are you up for it? Heee

Though the cake doesn't rise tall. It is still fluffy. Daddy can't stop eating. Haha. Thanks so much for his support.

Baking craze! Somebody please make me stop!


Leon Jonsley said...