Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Steamed Mango Prune Cake

Here I am! I noticed I have so many things to blog during the holidays. Or is it perhaps I had nothing else better to do. Anyhow this is better than waiting for an hour early in the morning to wait for some stupid site to open so that we can register our courses for the coming semester, not that I really care, and some failing to register for English. Sucks. This is definitely low productivity for a so called APEX university which is supposed to be at par with other known international universities in the world.

Okay, let us put the bad things behind. Not gonna let this ruin my day. So much for me wanting to cut down on my food intake, I made more food! *slaps self. But that's part of the reason I am happy. Though I just rejected a job offer, which could take me out of this boredom and of course, CASH! Again, I'll let it go.

Treated myself to this self-made french toast. Looking nice? No, I flipped over so you all can't see the burnt side. XD

I am happy cause, thanks God, I managed to pushed and squeezed virtually and get myself and darling a place in the English class, which is the reason why everyone NEEDS to register the first moment the site was opened. And of course Moo the cow got a place too. Hehe.

My second reason would be this, my tweaked version of steamed cake. Wahaha. So we have all heard of usual steamed chocolate cakes, banana cakes and I did got hold of a very easy-peasy recipe from Chowtimes which is perfectly made for someone like me. I have yet to succeed in any of my cooking!

But then again, I am not a big fan of banana but I love mango. So what do I do? You are right. I changed it to a mango version. I even added some Sunsweet Pitted Prunes which I cut into small pieces in place of the raisins. So much for the substitution. I just get to use whatever available in the house.

Here comes the end product, behold my Steamed Mango Prune Cake!

Don't they look just lovely?

Out from the wok, waiting to be savoured!

The cakes are just fluffy with a tinge of sweetness. I should have put in more sugar and cut down a little on the baking soda as there is a hint of bitterness. You could also steamed them as a whole so that you can taste more on the texture.

Anyhow, this is good enough for me. I am motivated now! And yeah, I realised why sulked when you could choose happiness. It's just the matter of your heart which could turn tiny little things into happiness or nothing in the wide world could make you smile.

So what do I have after that? Nothing could go wrong with more mango! I noticed I just love yellow stuff. Mango, pineapple, durian, Spongebob, my surname means yellow and what else? BUT, darling is no where yellow, that's for sure. Or not? Hmm... Owh, another discovery, when I am in a good mood my entry tends to get long winded and full of nonsense. Lol

Yummy, juicy, pulpy mango in a golden shade. Best eaten chilled. My way

Now, I need to think of someone to give these little goodies to, cause I love to cook but I don't like the idea of taking care of the eating part. XD


Anonymous said...

eh this time look nice! and not cute liao the steamed pao cos not one pek ady, lol!

well done, i see improvement ^^

haha, nah, no problem, got bh help u eat next time hehe....

oh and once a while i wana eat too ;)

Qy said...

wow...nice! I wanna try as well. I prefer steamed cake more than baked cake. I like cooking but not finishing all my creatures. Hope to find someone who is willing to be my stomach. Haha. Keep it up, emily! We can try it together next time^^

eMiLy said...

Darling: Hehe... Wait you come back har. ^^

Ducky: Wahaha. Now must practice practice. Hehe. Wait you come bake you must teach me make cheesecake. Hehe

Qy: Haha. Yah. Mee too. But then if you wanna try mango you must make sure there are specific types to be used. Don't use da common Chokanan Mango. The product will have a grassy smell and the colour turns ugly. >.< Hehe. Yeah~ Good idea!! I hope so. Next sem!! ^^