Saturday, May 15, 2010

New Discovery

Just back from a nice yumcha session with Nic and Chun Yan. Nic is one of my seniors in CF at USM. He's actually my cell group leader thought very sorry and regretful that I've yet to attend any of our cell group meetings. He's that kinda person that actually lives out a Christian life and show others that Christians are indeed different from others.
We've started of with common things as in his daily encounters as well as other stuffs. In the end we talked about something more spiritual. And I've got answers for questions which I had doubts before. Now I am clear and sure that again God helped me in making the best decision in my life - being dumped. Though it hurts now but many years later I will be glad for this decision made.
We talked about love. There is a different between love and lust. I liked it best when he said if you really do love someone, you can just hugged him/her like for a long time, and this feeling just won't go away.
Love has nothing to do with sex. Making love is just a sensation and the feeling of being in love does not last. We human being may find it hard to distinguish between whether its just sexual attraction or true love. So it's through praying and time that we may know if we had really find the true one. Besides this from a book he read, he reads a lot, there is this thing that we our human brain is an amazing creation as well as a dangerous one. When we wanted something so badly, we end up creative fake images so real that before we hit the bottom line and realise everything is just an illusion, we'll hold so strongly to it. This I agree completely. Thank God it hit me now.
Besides this we did talked about other stuff as in politics and history. Haha... The thing that ends with this discussion is that I really must take this opportunity to bond up with God. He loves me so much and yet I really did neglect him. But still now in my time of huge depression, God never leaves me. He even send someone to give me comfort and taught me to be strong. I believe no such thing as coincidence. This yumcha session was also no coincidence.
God has everything planned. It's just up to us whether to accept it or give it up. I thank God for everything. He watched me grow and lead me all the way.


uron said...

nice post emily~ *claps~*
jz tk it as a chance to grow up ur soul..hehe..
as u said b4,u ll gain more than u lost..